About the Artist

My photo
Thirty-something year old artist, working a full time job in medical while doing commissions and attending anime conventions on the side. A 2001 graduate with a BFA in Illustration from the Laguna College of Art and Design. Fan of anime, manga, comics, movies and Western Animation. Loves green tea, guinea pigs and giant robots.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

WIP/Preview: Maka with Soul

Here's a quick preview of one of the Soul Eater images I'm working on. Maka here is minus the portrait of Soul in the background, which I plan on doing and inserting today. And hopefully I can have absolutely everything I need to do finished by Friday morning.

Man, I'm really coming down to the wire on this thing.

Look for the finished image over at my Deviant Art account later!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sketch: Black Star with Tsubaki

More Soul Eater art, this time of Black Star with his partner Tsubaki. Death the Kid is next in line and I'm going to try and respect his personal aesthetic by drawing him in a symmetrical stance.

The three images will be done so that the can be separate pieces (with portraits of the weapon partners in the backgrounds), but can also be laid out as one long poster so that they interconnect by way of the iconic Soul Eater arrows stretching across all three images.

Still working on my Professor Stein cosplay. Hopefully it'll be done by Halloween, though it'll definitely be ready by November 12th for Izumicon for sure.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sketch: Maka with Soul

Oy, I need to keep a closer eye on this blog for comments and updates to the blogs I watch! This last month or so has been a very busy one, what with me trying to get my State Fair submission in on time, working on both art and a cosplay costume for Izumicon, and just trying to survive my regular Monday through Friday job in general.

Thought I'd pop in long enough here to upload a blue line sketch for one of my upcoming convention pieces - Maka with Soul, two of the main characters from the immensely popular anime series Soul Eater. I'll also be trying to do images of Black Star and Death the Kid, possibly Professor Stein. And I definitely have an image of Axel and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts in the works, which I'll post up at my Deviant Art account when completed.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Partial Rough: "Clockwork Courage"

Whoa, man. Long time no update. Work's been workin' me and I've been trying to get to work on my State Fair art entry. Unfortunately, that's not been going near as well as I'd like. But here's part of the rough draft image I'm currently rounding out.

I originally planned to enter this piece, "Clockwork Courage" in color...but due to time constraints, it looks like I may just be entering it as a black and white inks piece.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Commission: Ratchet and Arcee

Something I commissioned a little while back from the amazingly talented Boo of Transformers Animated: The Arrival fame. I'm dying to color this thing, but for now I'm having to either sit on my hands or busy them with work I need to get done over the next couple of weeks. The problem with even getting started on this is that I'll be tempted to finish it as soon as possible and will end up sinking ten hours into it before even realizing the time's gone.

As soon as I do get this colored, though, I'll be posting it at Deviant Art. Perhaps Pixiv as well. :)

Ha, I am such a nerd for this pairing.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sketch: Franken Stein

Slow week, art-wise. Work's been tough and I just don't quite have the energy and the focus to get much done. But hey...have a doodle.

Professor Franken Stein from Soul Eater.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

WIP: Inks: Sha Gojyo

In preparation for Izumicon in November... Sha Gojyo of Saiyuki, to be colored at a later date.

Cho Hakkai to follow!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Finished Trade Piece and Oklahoma State Fair

The WIP from the last post is now a completed color piece.

TF - IDW Perceptor by ~straya on deviantART

That leaves me with one trade still in the queue, though that one will be a traditionally colored piece with Prisma colored pencils on toned paper.

Looking up information on the upcoming Oklahoma State Fair, I have until August 16th to register any artwork or photos I will be entering this year for free. I can hold off until September 1st if need be, but I'm not too keen on paying the late fee of $10. Doesn't sound like much, but hey... Ten bucks is ten bucks!

Photo-wise, I'll probably be submitting a few of the ones I took while on a trip to Portland, Oregon in March to visit with family. Art-wise, I have a pretty good idea of what I want to enter this year. Last year ended up being a total bust in terms of getting anything done... This year won't be a repeat.

I've dug up a fifteen year old childrens novel manuscript from a box of my old writing for inspiration. It's a story that will never be published and the original art that inspired it was stolen from me back in high school. I've thought time and time again over the years of redoing that old, lost image in my current style with my much improved skills. I think this year...will be the year to make that happen. And I'll submit that finished piece to the OK State Fair for their art competition.

Friday, July 23, 2010

WIP: Trade in Progress

Just a quick post to show off a partial WIP. It's actually further along than this, now, and I hope to get it done this weekend... But here you go.

Perceptor from the IDW Transformers comics.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Shifting into gear and getting started here on Blogger.

First post and I've just spent a long night messing with art uploads, html and old files. How coherent can I possibly be at 9am after being up all night? I suppose we'll find out.

After much mucking about on the site and installing a translation script, I am up and running over at Pixiv, which is a Japanese art site akin to Deviant Art. I originally registered there about a month ago with the sole intention of browsing the work of other artists. However, after a while I got tempted and decided to try uploading a little of my own work. People there do not seem to comment nearly as often as on Deviant Art as a general rule. Some might consider this a bad thing, but for me it works as a sort of shield against the language barrier. Unfortunately, I do not understand Japanese at all, so any comments I would leave anyone would have to be in English. It is my first language and the only one I am fluent in, though after three years of Spanish in high school and having a mother who taught the subject to middle school aged children for thirty-some-odd years of her life, I've retained enough to manage a basic understanding so long as I'm not wading through a lot of slang. And so long as it's not being spoken to me too quickly. Japanese, however? Aside from a few words I have learned from anime, I don't know any. Such is life. Though thus far, artists on Pixiv have been pretty accepting. I am grateful for this, particularly to one artist in particular by the handle of Nekomushi who has put up with my English only compliments. :)

I will be opening up online sketch commissions shortly via my Deviant Art account in order to help pay for supplies at this year's Izumicon. In the meantime, I am working to finish up a couple of very belated trades I owe a couple of people. Aside from that, I have the task of planning, working on and completing at least one original art piece for this year's Oklahoma State Fair amateur art contest. Hopefully my addled brain will come up with a few good ideas before the month is over so I can get started. The Fair is in September, after all.